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Mental Health First Aid
in Wellness Training Programs
Mental Health First Aid - Martha's Vineyard
with Theresa Wilson

A skills-based training course that helps people identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use issues. This course is offered in different modules for various audiences including those who work with youth, Older Adults, Veterans, Corrections, Public Safety, Higher Education, First Responders, and other groups. Industry Certificate will be awarded upon completion of session.
Class Format: Learners participate in a 8-hour, Instructor-led, in person training.
Schedule: Thursday, May 1, 2025 from 8:00-4:30pm
Location: Martha's Vineyard
The Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition has partnered with Cape Cod Community College to offer Mental Health First Aid, as well as QPR, safeTALK, Sudden Death Postvention, and ASIST training programs that provide our communities with the necessary information and tools to raise awareness, educate, and increase action to reduce suicides.
Questions: Contact Val Duffy, Cape Cod Community College, at 508-375-5018 or email